
Sikh Unity Network
What's COOL...
Sikh Youth Camps
SUN Magazine
College Link
Sikh Links
Chat Room

Four people hold pivotal roles in the creation of the Sikh Unity Network. They are Ajay Singh Kohli: akalpurakh@aol.com, Chandani Kaur Kohli: ckakamooni@aol.com, Naina Kaur Dhingra: silvernkd@aol.com, and Savraj Singh Dhanjal: aerodyno@aol.com. Send them your feedback.
Please send any questions or comments about this site to: SikhUnity@aol.com or Aerodyno@aol.com.

If you haven't guessed....

Ajay and Chandani compiled the first newsletter. Savraj and Naina put together the second newsletter, which is available online.  Naina provides a good part of the text for the web page, and Savraj spends hours on end writing and designing the web page.


Copyright 1999 SSD.