Sikh camps offer a great way for
young Sikhs to meet other Sikhs from around the country.Camp
LOCATION: Ortonville, Michigan
'Camp Khalsa' at Camp Nahelu. Curriculum - sikh history, gurmat studies,
challenges for sikhs in western society, sikh youth in north america - the future,
tabla/harmonium, kirtan, paath. Activities- archery, volleyball, hikin, canoeing, soccer,
basketball,baseball. Contact email:
GHISS Sikh Youth Gurmat Camp
LOCATION: Maryland
"The Sikh Youth Gurmat Camp is an endeavor to expose these new Sikh
generations of the western world to the principles and values of Sikhism. It is an attempt
to create a Sikh environment and provide a glimpse of the Sikh way of life.To help our
youth identify their roots, Sikh History has also been kept an important focus of the
camp. There will also be organized seminars, discussions, sports, and various
competitions." Check out their Web Page.
LOCATION: California
The International Insitute of Gurmat Studies, Inc. (IIGS) is a religious,
non-profit, Sikh organization. Founded 42 years ago in Lucknow, India in 1955, as
"Young Sikh Missionaries," it was renamed as Institute of Gurmat Studies in 1972
and upgraded to International status in 1979. It's headquarters are in California, USA
since January 1985.
To date, IIGS has held 52 Sikh Youth Camps; 14 in India, one each in Nepal('79),
England('80), Thailand ('81), four in Canada ('82,'91,'92,'94), and 31 in the USA (25 in
California, one in Texas, two in Michigan, one in New Jersey, one in Chicago, and one in
Florida). IIGS has also held six Sikh Mothers' and Family Camps in California. Thousands
of Sih women and men from all over the world have participated in these camps. Visit the Web Site.
Lohgarh Retreat
LOCATION: Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (Campsite OWNED and RUN by Sikhs)
Dates this year: June 26 - July 10, 1999. See you in 2000!
With a prestigious, front page New York Times
article, the Lohgarh Retreat is now one of the most recognized camps in the country. Check
out their Web Page, which is filled with
photos and information. Savraj, Naina, Ajay, and Chandani are all veterans of this camp,
and they all had a fun filled, educational experience. They all look forward to returning
next year.
To subscribe to the Lohgarh Retreat Egroup
(a listserv/email list) of past and present campers, send an email to
LOCATION: Tuscarora, New York
Dates this year: August 1-14, 1999
As the Khalsa Nation prepares for the Biasakhi of 1999, we, as individual Sikhs
must begin our preparation and process to become Sikhs of Guru Gobind Singh. Constructive
participation in any way or form will help us all come one step closer For directions and
further information, Contact E-mail: Some
Photos from Tuscarora Camp: Click Here. These
photos are not sanctioned by SUN!